Data Collection Methods and Data Management
In an attempt to gather information concerning viewing habits of our society's teenagers along with other segments of our population, I used questionnaires posted on the web. Questionnaires can be used to learn about the distribution of characteristics, attitudes, or beliefs in a sample population (Marshall & Rossman, 1999). I utilized structured responses that work well with a graph representation although I did include some open-ended questions even though they are more difficult to use in presenting analysis in graph form (Marshall & Rossman, 1999). I did test the questionnaire out on a few test subjects to check for bias, sequence, clarity, and face validity along with usefulness (Marshall & Rossman, 1999). I used unobtrusive measures as another means for collection of data. This method does not require the students to be aware of my data gathering. Marshall & Rossman describe this method of data collection as one that does not interfere with the normal flow of events and requires careful observation and unobtrusive data collection (1999). My position as Computer Specialist often provides me the opportunity to sit and work on a computer in a corner of a classroom while a class is being conducted. I am a 'fly on the wall' so to speak. I am able to observe students and listen to conversations while remaining in an almost invisible position within the room. I was able to accomplish the same observations within the library at the school. The students are very used to seeing me work on or at a computer. I have become part of the background to them. I am in the perfect position for observing without intruding. Ethical considerations that need to be factored in remain the same as if I were not doing research. I am always listening to conversations since such usually surround me in the course of my day. If and when I hear of something that would cause concern to the safety and welfare of another student I have always interjected my thoughts and concern to those that were discussing the topic, I did not stop in my role as a responsible adult/teacher/educator during my role as researcher. I enjoy talking to students and have never had any problems becoming involved in a discussion with them. I remained in the role as an observer, though, as much as possible.