Dedicated to those who are not so busy being
entertained that they have forgotten to ask:


Trustworthiness Features

  There are a variety of perspectives presented by Creswell (1999) that could be used to support the establishment of verification in a qualitative research project.  Using Creswell's approach I did the following:
-  Spent extensive time will in the field, interviewing and observing the individuals in my study.
-  A detailed thick description was transcribed of all encounters and observations and analyzed.
-  Using Lincoln & Guba's (1985) terms of trustworthiness, I had a prolonged engagement in the field along with triangulation of data of sources and methods and investigators for the establishment of credibility.
-    As a naturalistic researcher (Lincoln & Guba, 1985), I worked towards having confirmable research as a means to establishing the value of the data.
-    Clarification of researcher bias within the proposal of the study is evident so that the reader will understand the researcher's position and any impact that any biases and assumptions may have on the study (Merriam, 1998).

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